System Architecture and Integration scenarios
Choose anywhere between fully self-managed to everything out-of-the-box
This section outlines the various ways you can integrate your systems with ecrop’s OmniAsset platform. Choosing the right integration approach depends on your business needs, technical capabilities, and desired level of control over the user experience. We’ll describe three primary integration scenarios, focusing on the responsibilities of your system, the ecrop system, and how end-users interact with the platform. We’ll also cover a crucial aspect of integration: KYC/AML compliance.
Key Terms
- Client: You, the organization integrating with ecrop.
- End-user: Your customer, the individual or entity interacting with your platform and potentially investing in securities through ecrop. All end users (security owners and emitters) are referred to as Party in the API.
- Asset: The real-world item or project being represented by a tokenized security (e.g., company shares, a bearer bond or any other type of crypto security).
- Token: The digital representation of the asset, managed within OmniAsset.
- Campaign (Offer): A time-bound offering of a tokenized security to investors. Campaigns are used for initial emissions of securities.
- Crypto Securities Register (“Kryptowertpapierregister”): The core of ecrop’s offering, providing a permanent and legally binding record of security ownership. This is the part that enables automation of security handling.
Core Components
- ecrop OmniAsset: The core engine of ecrop’s crypto register solution. OmniAsset handles:
- Crypto Securities Register Management: This core function provides a permanent, secure and compliant record of security ownership and transactions, including comprehensive ownership management. The register is designed to support a marketplace for securities, enabling not only one-time investments but also ongoing trading and fully automated ownership transfers. All securities issued through campaigns are automatically registered here.
- Campaign Management (Initial Emission): This additional service facilitates the initial issuance of securities through time-bound campaigns (offers). This upstream process creates the securities then managed by the Crypto Securities Register.
- ecrop Frontends: ecrop provides several (optional to use) frontends for interacting with the platform:
- OmniBoss: An admin panel for managing assets, tokens, campaigns, investments and security owners as well as emitters.
- Crowdinvesting App: A white label application for end-users to discover and invest in crypto securities.
- OmniPersona App: A mobile app provided by ecrop for the end user to handle compliant identification and transaction confirmation in a PSD2-like manner. It can be used to offload the intricacies of compliant user identification and the challenge of providing a secure way transaction confirmation using the users private key. It is offered with ecrop or custom branding.
- Client System: Your IT infrastructure and applications that interact with OmniAsset via API. Responsibilities vary based on the integration scenario (see below).
Integration Scenarios
Full API Integration
This scenario offers maximum flexibility and control. You manage the entire investment process within your systems, using ecrop’s API for asset management and end user (party) management on the crypto register.
Client System Responsibilities:
- Creates and manages assets and campaigns via the /assets API.
- Submits end-user data to ecrop. (beware of KYC requirements, see below for details)
- Handles end-user authentication and authorization within their own system.
- Integrates ecrop’s PoA mechanism to enable strong authentication for critical actions like ownership transfers and investments. This includes managing end-user public keys and ensuring API requests are signed with the corresponding private keys. Alternatively this can be covered by using ecrops OmniPersona application for user identification and transaction authorization.
- Handles payment processing and submits proof of payment to ecrop.
ecrop OmniAsset Responsibilities:
- Provides the API for asset, campaign and party management.
- Stores and manages token, campaign data and end user data.
- Registers transactions on the crypto register after receiving necessary approvals and proof of payment.
- Provides the PoA mechanism validation part for secure transaction authorization.
- Provides all regulatory required functions, including security measurements, auditing and reporting capabilities, etc.
End-User Interaction: The client is fully responsible for the end-user experience and interface.
- Client-ecrop: Bearer token-based authentication.
- End-User: Handled by the client’s system. Critical actions, such as ownership transfers when transferring securities or facilitating investments need PoA approval using the end users private key. See also key considerations below.
API integration with ecrop whitelabel Frontend for end users
Balance customization and ease of integration by managing backoffice processes through the API while your end-users interact with ecrop’s whitelabel crowdfunding app.
Client System Responsibilities:
- Creates and manages assets and campaigns via the API (similar to Full API Integration).
- Submits end-user data to ecrop. (beware of KYC requirements, see below for details)
ecrop OmniAsset Responsibilities:
- Provides the API for asset, campaign and party management.
- Stores and manages token, campaign data and end user data.
- Registers transactions on the crypto register after receiving necessary approvals and proof of payment.
- Provides the PoA mechanism validation part for secure transaction authorization.
- Provides all regulatory required functions, including security measurements, auditing and reporting capabilities, etc.
End-User Interaction: End-users interact with ecrop’s whitelabel crowdfunding app to invest in securities.
- Client-ecrop: Bearer token-based authentication.
- End-User: Handled transparently by ecrop.
No Code / no Integration Solution
Ecrop offers everything you need to do crypto security emissions under your brand out of the box. This scenario does not need any technical integration. However, it is possible to integrate aftermarket solutions at a later point in time.
Client System Responsibilities: No integration needed. The client primarily interacts with the OmniBoss admin panel.
ecrop OmniAsset Responsibilities: Provides the OmniBoss admin panel for asset and campaign management.
End-User Interaction: The end user uses the ecrop whitelabel solution only. ecrop will provide an application with your branding.
Authentication: Fully handled by ecrop.
KYC/AML Compliance
ecrop ensures regulatory compliance by requiring full KYC for all end-users, including both emitters and security holders/investors. Here are the KYC integration options:
Client-Managed KYC (Non-BaFin Regulated Clients)
If you are not a BaFin-regulated institution and manage your own end-user onboarding, you have two options:
- OmniPersona App: Use ecrop’s OmniPersona mobile app for end-user onboarding and identification. The App also handles confirmation of transfers in a PSD2-like fashion, providing maximum security and compliance. This also takes care of the PoA mechanism and private key handling.
- Third-Party Provider Integration: Integrate a KYC provider of your choice (pending ecrops compliance check) and ensure ecrop receives the necessary identification data directly from the provider.
KYC Reliance (BaFin Regulated Clients)
If you are a BaFin-regulated financial institution in Germany, a KYC reliance contract can be established. You submit end-user KYC data to ecrop via API. ecrop may request additional information for AML checks.
ecrop Whitelabel Solution
ecrop handles the entire KYC process and is using PostIdent (Deutsche Post) for end user identification, offering PostIdent Classic (Post Office), Video Ident, and eID (electronic ID). If you require a different identification provider, contact ecrop to discuss integration possibilities and compliance requirements.
Key Considerations for All Scenarios
- KYC/AML: Compliant identification of end users is crucial for a financial product in the regulated market. Only if you are a BaFin regulated financial institution, ecrop can accept KYC information for end-users. Otherwise ecrop needs to be tightly integrated in this process.
- Private Key handling (end users Wallet): In case you are not using ecrops whitelabel solution or OmniPerso App for customer identification and transaction authorization, you are responsible of the safety of your customers Wallet. The private/public Keypair of the end user is quite literally the key to handle the users assets. Without the automation of ownership transfers would not be possible. It is crucial the private key of the user is kept safe at all times. There are three possibilities to handle the users wallet:
- Self-custody by the user: The private/public keypair is generated and stored on the users device. It is never allowed to leave. Losing it will require a re-identification.
- Custody via ecrops Custody Service (OmniSafe): ecrop takes care of all the intricacies and compliance requirements of handling a customers Wallet. This process is transparent to the end user.
- Custody via a 3rd party custody service with a crypto custody license: ecrops solution allows you to integrate with a 3rd party custody provider as well. For full compliance a regulated financial institution is required.
- Proof of Payment: Secure and reliable handling of proof of payment is crucial in all scenarios. The crypto register can only conduct an ownership transfer when a proof of payment is present.