Our Quick Start Guides offer you a quick and easy introduction to the various use cases of the ecrop platform. They contain step-by-step instructions, code examples, best practices, and many other useful pieces of information.

Quick Start Guide: Issuing a Crypto Security

Objective: This guide provides practical instructions for issuing a crypto security using the ecrop platform and is aimed at issuers and their advisors. It describes the issuance process step by step and provides guidance on legal and regulatory compliance.


  • Registered and verified ecrop account.

  • Complete issuance documentation, including prospectus that meets the requirements of Prospectus Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 and the Securities Prospectus Act (WpPG).

  • Access to a wallet compatible with the ecrop platform.


  1. Create Issuance Application: Log into your ecrop account and navigate to the “Issuance” section. Create a new issuance application and enter all required information, such as issuance volume, security type, ISIN, and issuance terms.

  2. Upload Documents: Upload the complete issuance documentation, including the securities prospectus. Ensure all documents comply with regulatory requirements.

  3. KYC/AML Verification: The issuer and all beneficial owners must undergo the KYC/AML verification process. This typically happens automatically through our partner PostIdent.

  4. Sign Transaction: Once all documents are verified and the KYC/AML process is complete, sign the transaction with your private key. This authorizes the issuance of the crypto security.

  5. Tokenization and Registration: ecrop tokenizes the security and registers it in the crypto securities register. You receive confirmation of successful issuance and the associated transaction ID.

    • Best Practices:

      • Ensure your issuance documentation is complete and current. (Documentation must be reviewed by ecrop in advance).
      • Carefully review the issuance terms before signing the transaction.
      • Keep your private key secure and never share it with third parties.
    • Troubleshooting:

      • If problems occur during issuance, contact our support.

Quick Start Guide: Custody of Crypto Assets in Cold Storage

Objective: This guide walks you through the custody of crypto assets in cold storage with ecrop.


  • Registered and verified ecrop account.

  • Compatible wallet


  1. Create or Link Wallet: Create a new wallet on the ecrop platform or link an existing compatible wallet.
  2. Generate Deposit Address: Generate a unique deposit address for the desired cryptocurrency.
  3. Deposit Crypto Assets: Transfer your crypto assets from your external wallet to the generated deposit address.
  4. Custody in Cold Storage: ecrop securely stores your crypto assets in cold storage. Your Private Keys are stored offline in HSMs.

Security Notes:

  • Keep your access credentials for the ecrop portal and your wallet secure.
  • Never share your Private Keys with third parties.
  • Activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for your ecrop account.


  • If problems occur during deposit or custody, contact our support.

Quick Start Guide: Staking Crypto Assets with ecrop

Objective: This guide shows you how to earn additional returns through staking with ecrop.


  • Registered and verified ecrop account.

  • Deposited crypto assets (e.g., ETH) in your ecrop wallet.


  1. Activate Staking: Navigate to the “Staking” section in the ecrop portal and select the desired cryptocurrency and amount you want to stake.
  2. Confirm Staking: Confirm the staking agreement and authorize the transaction with your private key.
  3. Receive Rewards: ecrop stakes your crypto assets and regularly distributes the earned rewards to you.

Important Notes:

  • Staking crypto assets involves risks, such as price fluctuations or slashing events. Learn about the risks and opportunities of staking beforehand. (Link to further information about staking)
  • The amount of staking rewards can vary and is not guaranteed.


  • If problems occur during staking, contact our support.

Quick Start Guide: Managing Crypto Shares with ecrop

Objective: This guide shows you how to issue, manage, and transfer crypto shares using the ecrop platform.


  • Registered and verified ecrop account.

  • Articles of association of the corporation that provides for the issuance of crypto shares.


  1. Issue Crypto Shares: Create an issuance application on the ecrop platform and enter all required information, such as the number of shares, share class, and issuance terms.
  2. Register Shares: After approval by ecrop, the crypto shares are registered in the crypto securities register and tokenized.
  3. Manage Shares: Manage your crypto shares through the ecrop portal. You have constant insight into your holdings and can transfer shares between wallets.
  4. Execute Corporate Actions: ecrop supports the processing of corporate actions, such as dividend payments or stock splits.
  5. Reporting and Compliance: Create reports for shareholders and supervisory authorities and ensure compliance with all relevant compliance requirements.

Legal Notes:

  • The issuance and trading of crypto shares are subject to applicable legal provisions. Learn about the legal framework in advance.

Best Practices:

  • Ensure your articles of association provide for the issuance of crypto shares.
  • Use a secure wallet for the custody of your crypto shares.
  • Adhere to applicable security guidelines.


  • If problems occur during the issuance, management, or transfer of crypto shares, contact our support. (Link to support portal)

Quick Start Guide: Compliance Setup with ecrop

Objective: This guide supports you in configuring the ecrop platform for compliance with relevant regulatory requirements, particularly in the areas of KYC/AML and reporting.


  • Registered and verified ecrop account.

  • Knowledge of relevant regulatory requirements for your company.


  1. KYC/AML Configuration:

    • Navigate to the “Compliance” section in the ecrop portal.

    • Select the KYC/AML requirements relevant to your company. (e.g., customer risk classification, sanctions list screening, EDD)

    • Configure the corresponding parameters and thresholds.

      • Note: The exact configuration of KYC/AML requirements depends on your specific situation and applicable regulations. If in doubt, contact our support or a legal advisor.
  2. Reporting Configuration:

    • Select the reporting requirements relevant to your company. (e.g., transaction reports to BaFin, holdings reports)

    • Configure the corresponding parameters and formats.

      • Note: The exact configuration of reporting requirements depends on your specific situation and applicable regulations. If in doubt, contact our support or a legal advisor.
  3. Implement Processes and Controls:

    • Implement the required processes and controls to ensure compliance with the configured KYC/AML and reporting requirements.
      • Example: Create a process for regular review of customer data and updating risk classification.
  4. Compliance Review:

    • Conduct regular compliance reviews to ensure your configuration meets current requirements.
    • Use our checklist as a starting point for compliance review to consider all relevant aspects.

Checklist for Compliance Review:

(This checklist serves only as an example and should be adapted to individual needs and applicable regulations.)
  • Are all relevant KYC/AML requirements configured?
  • Are all relevant reporting requirements configured?
  • Are the required processes and controls implemented?
  • Are processes and controls regularly reviewed and documented?
  • Are all employees involved in money laundering-relevant activities adequately trained?
  • Are suspicious transactions reported according to internal guidelines?