ecrop is part of a growing ecosystem in the digital assets sector. We work closely with leading technology providers, cloud providers, KYC/AML service providers, and other relevant partners to offer our customers comprehensive and high-quality services.

These collaborations enable us to provide our customers with the best possible solutions, continuously develop the ecrop platform, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Technology Partners:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): ecrop uses AWS’s secure and scalable cloud infrastructure to ensure maximum availability, performance, and data security.

KYC Partners:

  • Deutsche Post / PostIdent: ecrop uses Deutsche Post’s PostIdent procedure for secure and reliable customer identification as part of anti-money laundering prevention.

    Link to PostIdent

Liability Umbrella:

  • Effecta GmbH: Effecta is a BaFin-licensed liability umbrella for financial brokers, secondary market brokers, industrial issuers, and crowdinvesting platforms.

    Link to Effecta

Payment Providers:

  • Secupay AG: BaFin-licensed payment service provider for ZAG-compliant payment transfers.

    Link to Secupay